
Synthetic Turf or Artificial Grass is made to look like natural grass, but without the cost and effort of maintenance. Designed to match the clients need, the Synthetic Turf comes in different colors, finishes and shapes to create a good-looking space. Recommend for backyards and front yards the Artificial Grass matches perfects with pavers and you can enjoy a nice place with no worries about irrigations system, maintenance cost that makes you give up on having grass on your landscape. Ask for a free estimate to your project.

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Have questions? This is a short list of our most frequently asked questions about Pavers. For more information, please call 877-000-0000.

How long should turf last?


Generally, turf should last between 10 to 20 years with proper maintenance. However, the lifespan can vary depending on the quality of the turf, the amount of foot traffic, and how well it is cared for.

Can you install turf over concrete?


Yes, you can install turf over concrete. However, it's important to ensure proper drainage and use a shock-absorbing underlay to make the surface more comfortable and functional.

Does turf need to be watered?


Artificial turf does not require watering, but natural turf does. For artificial turf, occasional rinsing is recommended to remove dust and debris, while natural turf needs regular watering to stay healthy.

What material is best for turf?


For artificial turf, high-quality polyethylene or polypropylene fibers are the best choices due to their durability and realistic appearance. For natural turf, a mix of grass types suited to your climate is ideal.

Can turf be installed on a slope?


Yes, turf can be installed on a slope. However, proper preparation is essential to ensure stability and drainage. For artificial turf, securing it with stakes or adhesive is crucial to prevent shifting.